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Location not available / Access denied issue

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Stupidly downloaded Win 10 without checking that my Aux. HD had updated recently. I know, I'm an idiot for trusting/being careless with an MS upgrade, at  least that's what I suspect caused the issue.


Here's the scenario. A month after the "upgrade" some of my files on the C: drive started to disappear and were replaced by a single "thumbs.db" file, within a couple of days other paths to the docs folder (direct access to C:) started to give me a "Location not available/Access is denied message"


Scanned with Malware bytes and Win.defender to no avail.


I've tried every fix I can find regarding permissions and user accounts, etc. using the available tools and the command prompt to try to gain access the files. Done a reset and reloaded 8.1 still no access. The docs folder shows 26Gb used so I'm reasonably they are there, just can't get to them.


Copied the docs file to a USB and tried to read them on an old XP system and same result. Nothing works.


One thing makes me suspicious and may or may not apply is that One drive had started to give me "drive is full, buy more storage messages" I disabled it and removed it from the start menu but in some cases it kept running and trying to download.


Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas or fixes would be greatly appreciated.

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I am not sure if this isn't a malware virus issue so I posted a log on the malware board as well. Sorry for the duplication, hope it's not a big etiquette problem. I don't want to waste anyone's time just don't know what I'm  looking for. Thanks

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Not an issue. We would have suggested posting in the malware forum based on your description.

Come back here after you are given a clean bill of health if there are unresolved issues.

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