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Windows 10 Automatic Updates ... what was MS thinking?

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My wife and sister-in-law just bought my mother-in-law a new computer that comes complete with Windows 10 ... but I can't set it up to update when I want it to and not when MS wants it to. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem except that my mother-in-law (like me) is on satellite internet. Anyone who knows what satellite is like knows that you are limited in how much you can download (either in a day or in a month) ... 


this means that you get hard throttled if you go over your limit and then move at slower than the worst dial-up. My mother-in-law shouldn't have to worry about going over the limit simply to make MS happy. 


Anybody have any ideas? I can't even set the time of the download so that she might be able to do this during her 'free' time.



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There maybe some ideas here;


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There is a very simple fix for this.  Open the Network & Internet settings, select the WiFi (or wired, it doesn't matter, you can manage those, too) internet connection in question, then pick the "Advanced Settings" link below it.  When the Advanced Settings come up simply tick the "Metered Connection" switch to on.  This prevents Windows updates from downloading over that particular internet connection.

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I'll check it when I go down there in the next couple of days ... did NOT see the chance to do anything with the 'wired' connection ... but I'll look again ... thanks!



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