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Turning Excel Worksheets into a set of web-based worksheets

database sql php excel

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Hi everyone,


I want to turn a series of excel worksheets into a set of online worksheets.  Each registered user would have their own worksheet copy on the website.  The information they enter into their copy of the worksheets would save on my website, and the next time they log in they would have access to their previous work on those worksheets.  Users could also reset the worksheets back to the master set that they began with.  Lastly, I could at various times change the master worksheets so that new users, and users that reset their worksheets, will see my new master worksheets rather than the old ones.


My website is wordpress running off of a Bluehost domain, if that provides any shortcuts.


I would be happy to pay someone to do this or do it myself, though I doubt I have the skill set.   I don't know enough about how to describe this solution technically to even put a gig description out there.  How would I describe this to project to potential employees, or to myself, in technically correct language so that employees know what they are getting into and how to proceed?


Thanks for clearing up my language!  -Chris

Edited by Cwecks12345, 08 January 2016 - 10:59 PM.

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