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cant launch programs

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         hi my name is Cameron and i need someone who can help me with my windows 10 problem. the problem is that i cant run any programs including games, apps and install/uninstall programs used to install a game after downloading. (for example:i was trying to download F,T,B, launcher (that's for Minecraft) and i downloaded it clicked on it clicked run as administrator and waited... and waited... then i left it over night and awoke to a computer that had no changes) i am running windows 10. i am using a Toshiba satellite C55-B530P. i was able to run programs the day before i tried to download F,T,B, but now i cant. I have scanned m PC for viruses 3 times and it came up clean. if you need more info on the issue just reply asking for it and i will be more than happy to give it to you. thank you

                                                                                                                                                                                                        -from Cameron.


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Is System Restore active on your Win 10 system? If so, try restoring to a date/time before you downloaded F,T,B.

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