Hi nathaneal and welcome to our forum,

Sorry to hear of the problems you are experiencing.
it is against the "Terms of Use" of our site to provide assistance on "getting around/breaking passwords" etc....(it's impossible at long range on a forum such as this to know who has a legitimate issue where ownership of the computer and its data and rights to use its applications is undoubted, or where someone who has no legitimate right or a questionable right, might attempt to use a forum's expertise to circumvent legitimate protections that have been installed for prevent unauthorised access....
I am sure that your request is completely legitimate, however hopefully you will understand the dilemma that we find ourselves in....and rather than trying to establish ownership rights and legalities via the forum we have the blanket rule on not providing help in these circumstances.
However we will make some suggestions that do not break our Terms of Use that may point you in the right direction.
1 Any user account that has admin privileges can set up a new account either as a standard user or as another admin, so maybe the first port of call is to ask an administrator to set you up a new account and grant you admin status. For this of course you will need to "speak" with the existing administrator
2 Formatting the operating system and reinstalling Windows will remove the admin account and all other material on the computer, allowing the reinstall to proceed, and then you can set you own password... but make sure that your backups are 100 % effective, contain everything you need (including Windows and application product serial keys) see 3 below re; BIOS/UEFI passwords
3 If the BIOS/UEFI has been password protected and you don't have the password then its unlikely that the computer will start into Windows, if its the Windows password (for startup post BIOS/UEFI) that is missing then see 4 below.
4 If the above does not provide the solution then we can assist you no further, other than to recommend that you take your computer to your nearest competent computer technician together with proof of ownership (documentary proof etc) and seek a quotation for the format and reinstall of the operating system and the removal of the BIOS/UEFI password and or other protections.
NOTE sometimes it is not possible for this to be achieved... hence the importance of getting a firm quotation for the work before proceeding.