How does one <reduce, slightly> the size of a web page displayed on a W8.1 desktop pc? I am losing the last 8 or so characters of text at the end of each line. Can I adjust the image size slightly to eliminate that dropping, as I could do with XP? Thanks. ... batpark

Adjusting screen size
Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:15 PM

Posted 28 January 2016 - 04:21 PM

High Batpark,
Whilst looking at the webpage on your computer try this:
Hold down the Ctrl key ( its usually at the bottom row of the keyboard and near the left corner) and at the same time press the shift key and at the same time the minus key ( next to the plus key in the right corner top row of your keyboard)
So you are pressing all three keys at the same time we call this Ctrl and Shift and Minus
This key combination reduces the size of the page so its all fits a little better.... each time you use the key combination its gets smaller...
To go the other way and make things bigger then its:
Ctrl and Shift and Plus
There are lots of other ways of achieving the same thing, but post back and let us know how you get on with this.
Posted 30 January 2016 - 07:49 AM

Also the two diagonal finger method on the touch pad like this --><-- to zoom in and <----> to zoom out. I don't know if it works on Windows 8, but if it does it might come in handy
Posted 30 January 2016 - 09:43 AM

Thanks for your suggestions.
EmishOrc: My PC is not a touchscreen.
paws: Ctrl and Shift and + expands the screen fine. But Ctrl and Shift and - does not compress it. Is the minus key here the right one. inasmuch as the Shift may be suppressing it?
... batpark
Posted 30 January 2016 - 05:57 PM

EmishOrc: My PC is not a touchscreen.
paws: Ctrl and Shift and + expands the screen fine. But Ctrl and Shift and - does not compress it. Is the minus key here the right one. inasmuch as the Shift may be suppressing it?
... batpark
I only realized it last that it was a desktop not a laptop. I did Ctrl and minus on mine and zoom went quite small.
Posted 30 January 2016 - 10:07 PM

In fact. I find that Ctrl\+ expands the screen and Ctrl\- compresses it. ,,,, batpark
Posted 31 January 2016 - 10:45 AM

Yes Try Ctrl and the plus or minus.... there are lots of other methods you could try but it best (usually) to find the one that suits you and then stick to it
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