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Computer idles/put to sleep -> won't turn on

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Best Answer admin , 06 February 2016 - 01:09 PM

Perhaps we could have handled this better. Sorry if we disappointed. Good luck resolving your issue incoming. Sleep issues can be difficult to resolve. Have you looked in the event viewer for... Go to the full post »

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Hey all, this has been a recurring problem of mine that I am not sure how to diagnose. I am running a legitimate copy of Windows 10 Education on an Asus Q551LN.


When my computer idles (from being locked/alone for too long) or I put it to sleep, no effort of mine will wake it back up. It is obviously still on because when I hit the power button nothing happens. What I have to do is hard power it off and then put it back on all using the power button. I have an SSD in so it hasn't bothered me too much because it boots up fast, but I'd like to fix it because then I have to re open all my programs and stuff. Any ideas/diagnostics I can run?

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Not sure about the bump rules in this forum but this is still a major issue.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not sure about the bump rules in this forum but this is still a major issue.


Bumping is frowned upon as poor forum etiquette as there is no need for it, if you have waited for three days or more and have not received a reply to your OP you should post in the Waiting Room, you should include a link to your thread and identify the type of issue in the topic title [Hardware} [OS] [Malware] etc, if you reply to your own OP or last reply it may lead to your request for help being overlooked, staff and members who assist on the forums will always check out a topic that has not received any replies to see if they are able to help, if you reply to your own OP it will appear to others viewing the board that you have received a reply and so are already being helped.


Before we suggest anything can you tell us what if anything you have tried yourself.


As an asides incoming, I note that you have requested help here but did not get back to those who offered you assistance, poor show  :(  

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I recently had a problem where my sleeping computer wouldn't wake up.  I read somewhere about disabling hibernation.  When I did that it started waking up.  Don't know if that is your issue...

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There are also other methods here that may help as well. May come as a handicap when you are in trouble with making it come out of sleep: http://www.itguyswa....-of-sleep-mode/

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    Mechanised Mod

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I recently had a problem where my sleeping computer wouldn't wake up.  I read somewhere about disabling hibernation.  When I did that it started waking up.  Don't know if that is your issue...


Thanks Tollerowner, checking the power plan including sleep and hibernation settings would be the norm in this instance but was waiting for the OP to post back and let us know what if anything had already been tried.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you incoming, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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Not sure about the bump rules in this forum but this is still a major issue.


Bumping is frowned upon as poor forum etiquette as there is no need for it, if you have waited for three days or more and have not received a reply to your OP you should post in the Waiting Room, you should include a link to your thread and identify the type of issue in the topic title [Hardware} [OS] [Malware] etc, if you reply to your own OP or last reply it may lead to your request for help being overlooked, staff and members who assist on the forums will always check out a topic that has not received any replies to see if they are able to help, if you reply to your own OP it will appear to others viewing the board that you have received a reply and so are already being helped.


Before we suggest anything can you tell us what if anything you have tried yourself.


As an asides incoming, I note that you have requested help here but did not get back to those who offered you assistance, poor show  :(  


You know, I can empathize with you that it may be bad etiquette to post a bump asking for assistance, especially on a forum where activity can be scarce at times. However, I cannot do this, and I cannot even see how you even thought that it would be a good idea to take some seemingly passive-aggressive shot at me for posting on another forum for help, when that is not even my username? I do in fact use reddit, whatever relevance that may carry, but I did not post that thread. Aside from the fact I did not post that thread, the OP seems very proactive in posting in that thread. What were you trying to say here? Just kidding, don't answer that, because I will find the answer on my own rather than deal with that.

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You asked a question regarding bumping and I answered it incoming, nothing more to it than that.


More than happy to try and help you to resolve your computer issue/s and would not have checked back with you otherwise.

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✓  Best Answer

Perhaps we could have handled this better. Sorry if we disappointed. Good luck resolving your issue incoming.


Sleep issues can be difficult to resolve. Have you looked in the event viewer for clues? Usually the issue is BIOS or driver related. If there's a BIOS update available for your system, you may want to start there, and set it to default settings. Next, make sure you have the correct chipset and video drivers.

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