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Goofy Computer Stories.

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  • PipPipPip
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Ever heard of those stories about goofy computer stories? I have and they're [bleep] right funny well at least some of them.




An man purchased a laptop from me. He called about a week later and said that it would no longer boot up. He brought it in, and I discovered that sixteen nicely drilled holes were in the bottom of the case. I asked him about it, and he said the machine was too hot sitting on his lap, so he had drilled these "air holes."

"Could that be the problem?" he asked.




One of my favorite stories is from back in the 90s. A guy bought a 16-bit sound card for his computer, but for whatever reason decided he only needed an 8-bit sound card. Instead of taking it back and exchanging it, he figured all he needed to do was get a pair of scissors and physically cut the sound card in half.



My friend from school thought that since the CPU heatsink burned his finger when the computer was on, it must be keeping the CPU too hot to overclock. So he took it off.

Wheee! SNAP! Fizzle. Burnt silicon smell.

He went on to fail the unit in science class on thermal conductivity.



Once when I was brousing through a flea market, I came across an unusually large display of random pieces of junk that were for sale. The guy had a few computer parts lying in bins filled with brown water. His excuse was "The water will help it slip in better." I tried to tell him that the parts were all dead, but he insisted that they were fine and asked me to leave.



So now you heard that. What kind of goofy stories you heard from people that had computer problems. I heard people using mouses with their feet and people using the CD drives as a cup holder. Pretty weird huh? Even spitting ink at the managers face made my day.

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