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Issues in upgrading to windows 10

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Hi everybody 

Im planning to change my os to windows 10 what are the issues or problems did you encountered 
in changing your's .

Thanks for feedbacks smile.gif 

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   johcel,


No issue whatsoever on any of my three computers, oldest being a seven year old Sony Vaio notebook that I use for work and the newest being a custom built gaming rig assembled 18 months ago.


JAFYI: Not seen one problem on custom built computers but have seen many on brand name computers with notebooks being most prominent.


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Mark D

Mark D


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Just so you know, some older Win7 systems are having trouble, (one client had an older Toshiba notebook that after the upgrade was not able to initiate the video driver, although it said "every thing was compatible").  This resulted in a system that had to have windows 7 reloaded manually as the client had tried to fix it through sheer panic.  Another had the start button function just disappear after three weeks.  Luckily Win 10 lets you roll back for 4 weeks.  It really depends on how old you stuff is.  


If you're happy with what you have, (Not WinXP or Vista), why change?

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I had some USB 3.0 driver issues and a few other minor problems after "upgrading" to Windows 10.


The consensus seems to be that a "clean install", via the Media Creation Tool, is the best way to lessen the number of problems encountered.  I upgraded both of my computers from Windows 7 to Windows 10 via "clean install" and it is like having two new computers.  You don't want to drag the "detritus" over from your old computer(s).  That is just asking for problems.


A "clean install" does mean reinstalling all of your programs and copying back your data, so it is a much slower process.


Before doing ANYTHING, make a full system image of your current hard disk, so you can "roll back" easily if your encounter serious issues.  A full system image also makes it convenient to copy back your data.


Just my two cents.  Have a great day.




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