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Help! I believe my husband is using a "peppers ghost" type

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Ok, so I know this sounds kind of far out, but I think my husband has women in the house while I am home. The rub is, I cannot see them. First, this only started recently. He recently purchased and installed 4 wifi cameras. He views all of  them on one large screen. I notice the motion detection icon going off quite frequently on the camera that covers our back door.  I am constantly seeing lights in our TV, he places objects in unusual places- almost creating paths- in our living room and kitchen area. I notice he arranges our DVD's in a way that reflects the red light from our DVR onto the mirrors in our kitchen. Things are just definitely off. When I confront him on things, he just gets angry and says I am crazy. I can assure you, I am not. I can actually hear someone moving sometimes, but I cannot see anything. I have done a bit of research on my own, but I am having a hard time figuring out exactly what he is doing. If anyone can provide any additional insight, it would be greatly appreciated. I will provide any additional information available to me if you have specific questions.


Thank you.

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Hi  smitlee7290


This is a little outside our comfort zone here, Have you a friend or close relative you can speak to? Maybe get them round to your house to advise?

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