How can one reduce the volume (without effecting the volume of other sounds) of the sound playing when messages occur like this one
at the bottom right side?
Using the sound mixer does not work for these sounds, the "Systemsounds" slider (set to "0") does not effect the volume of these messages (it just reduces some or may be most of the system sounds without effecting the sound(s) mentioned above):
When I plug in an external drive a few standard messages like "choose action what to do with the drive" or similar like this occur
with a standard Win sound being much too loud (louder than they are occurring with other messages)
When I click on "Testen" (play sound) here
the sound (Notification) is played with the volume I want, but when these messages mentioned above occur the same sound then is played too loud.
Edited by River Horse, 02 March 2016 - 07:43 AM.