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Laptop won't connect to Internet (Wifi, Ethernet) (Resolved)

Windows 7 Internet Wifi Ethernet

Best Answer phillpower2 , 06 March 2016 - 09:55 AM

Your wireless device is working which is a good start but pinging Google and yahoo got nowhere, try manually configuring Google Public DNS, the steps for which you will find here please make sure t... Go to the full post »

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De Registrar

De Registrar


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I am having issues with my laptop running Windows 7 connecting with the internet. I've had the issue for about three days. I ran the troubleshooter and it said that it was a DNS error but when I later ran it again it said that it could not find any issues. I have not contacted the ISP yet as they always ask me to restart the computer which I can't do currently and am looking for help in another post.


I had restarted the computer earlier when I was having issues wit the connection amd turned the modem off and on but nothing changed. I accidentally changed the DNS address from one that they provided to automatic after which I restarted both the computer and modem but again nothing happened. I managed to screenshot the DNS address earlier and typed it back and restarted everything.


Any suggestions?


Here's the other thread http://www.geekstogo...tine/?p=2553832

Edited by De Registrar, 05 March 2016 - 10:20 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello De Registrar,


We could do with a little more information about what is actually happening and the Internet service that you have.


Laptop won't connect to Internet (Wifi, Ethernet)



Does the above mean that you have tried connecting the notebook directly to the internet using an Ethernet cable but still got no connection, if yes, did you check the Device Manager to make sure that the Ethernet/Modem devices are enabled and working.


Does your ISP also provide your telephone service, if yes, is it working ok.


Do you have access to another computer that does have internet connection, if yes, is it using the same router and ISP that you cannot connect to with the problem computer.


JAFYI: Any assistance in this thread will have to be put on hold once the malware expert/s respond to your other thread, this avoids us interfering in their work.

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De Registrar

De Registrar


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Hello phillpower2.


Yes,I tried connecting the notebook to the internet using an Ethernet cable but I still could not get any connection, although the notebook could still see that it was connected to the modem using the Ethernet cable. It could also see and connect to the WiFi independently. I also checked the Device Manager and there didn't seem to be any issues there.


No, my ISP does not provide the telephone service. Their service uses Wimax.


Yes, there is another computer which I am currently using to write this, which is working perfectly fine, along with a few other smartphones.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update De Registrar,


Another member had a similar problem recently that was resolved with the help of malware expert RKinner so hopefully the steps suggested in that thread will help here and save you time and trouble.


Good that you have another computer and internet, hopefully you also have a spare USB stick


Please download MiniToolBox, save it to your desktop and run it.
Checkmark the following checkboxes:
  • Flush DNS
  • Report IE Proxy Settings
  • Reset IE Proxy Settings
  • Report FF Proxy Settings
  • Reset FF Proxy Settings
  • List content of Hosts
  • List IP configuration
  • List Winsock Entries
  • List last 10 Event Viewer Errors
  • List Installed Programs
  • List Devices
  • List Users, Partitions and Memory size.
  • List Minidump Files
Click Go and post the result (Result.txt). A copy of Result.txt will be saved in the same directory the tool is run.
Note: When using "Reset FF Proxy Settings" option Firefox should be closed.


To ensure that you receive notification of any reply to your thread please click on the Follow this topic tab, top right corner above your OP.

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De Registrar

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Here you go. Attached File  MTB.txt   34.21KB   363 downloads


These were the options selected.



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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Your wireless device is working which is a good start but pinging Google and yahoo got nowhere, try manually configuring Google Public DNS, the steps for which you will find here please make sure that you create a new restore point first.

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De Registrar

De Registrar


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Here's what everything looked like before and after:


IPv4 Wireless


IPv4 before.JPG

IPv4 after.JPG


IPv6 Wireless


IPv6 after.JPG


Note that I forgot to take a "before" screenshot before I did anything.


IPv4 Local


IPv4 Local before.JPG

IPv4 Local after.JPG


IPv6 Local


IPv6 Local before.JPG

IPv6 Local after.JPG


This is what happened. I used the websites that Google Developers website gave.



Loading 2.JPG

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De Registrar

De Registrar


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Turns out I just needed to restart the computer. Thanks for the help! 

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    Mechanised Mod

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We were able to help on this occasion but have since noticed that dbreeze closed your malware thread due to you having cracked software  :(

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De Registrar

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Yea... Trying to rectify the issue myself.

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Screenshot.png How about this? 

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