I have a 7th Generation iPod Classic, 160 GB. When attempting to turn it on, connect it to my computer, or reset it, the only thing that appears on the screen is the dreaded red X of death. (Btw, I do not know how the device was functioning while it was alive, as this was given to me to replace my stolen iPod. I was told it just stopped working one day.)
I was able to put it in diagnostics mode, and run various tests. The screens seems totally fine, the memory tests seemed fine, clickwheel, buttons, etc. When I went to IO>Hard Drive>HD Smart Data, after attempting to run the test it simply said "Can't Open Device" and "ERROR! Diag Halt" at the bottom of the screen. Same results for the other Hard Drive test.
I'm speaking with someone who can replace the Hard Drive with an upgraded SDXC, which would seemingly fix the problem AND upgrade the device overall. They said that it sounds a lot like it's just the hard drive, but if the logic board is fried, it would cost an extra $150, which I certainly can't afford.
Any way I can definitively tell it's just a bad hard drive?