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Error 0x80070570 (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 27 March 2016 - 11:55 AM

No reason to suspect that your disc is counterfeit, the question was only asked so that we know what type of media was being used for the installation   This time I got an error that said... Go to the full post »

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So I'm building a computer, fairly new to the whole thing, and everything went great up until the phase of installing my os. I've tried installing Windows 10 from a disc and about halfway through I get error 0x80070570. I've updated my bios from a usb, tried disabling UEFI drive, tried restarting (people will ask I'm sure), only thing I really haven't tried yet is a new disc. Any other suggestions? I can get my specs if you think that will help. It shouldn't be a RAM issue though; I'm running 16 GB and no previous OS is in place. Open to other things to try here.
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:    mccilliamly,


Couple of questions if I may;


What type of disc do you have as in is it a purchased OEM/full retail disc, a downloaded ISO burned to disc or a burned copy from somewhere else.


tried disabling UEFI drive,



Do you mean that you disabled secure boot and enabled legacy mode BIOS.


You have 16GB of Ram, is this two Xs 8GB or four Xs 4GB sticks.

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It is a purchased retail disc. Got the security key and everything. I guess since I didn't buy directly from Microsoft though I can't promise that it's not some rip off.

I mean I physically disabled UEFI. I actually did it because when first attempting to install Windows it was prioritizing the UEFI disk instead of my actual hard drive storage space and it wasn't letting me even run the install. Disabling it made it prioritize correctly and at least attempt running the install. I only knew how to do that cause I had to do it once on another computer back in Windows 7 when restoring it. Didn't have this other issue then though.

And I am running two 8 GB sticks. Sorry I definitely should have clarified that.

Thanks for the reply boss!
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This time I got an error that said BAD_POOL_HEADER
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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

No reason to suspect that your disc is counterfeit, the question was only asked so that we know what type of media was being used for the installation  :thumbsup:


This time I got an error that said BAD_POOL_HEADER


Could be a Ram problem so I would suggest that you try booting up with only the one stick, if the problem persists, remove the first stick and try the second, please check your MB manual first to see if it specifies that a particular memory slot needs to be used when only using the one stick of Ram, the same for when using two sticks, if you post your MB details we will also take a look.


You are welcome btw  :)




In case of a bad MB setting can you also remove the CMOS battery for five minutes or so before replacing it + in addition to this, if you are using a USB type keyboard but have a wired PS/2 type available and the appropriate ports on the MB swap keyboards as well please.

Edited by phillpower2, 27 March 2016 - 12:11 PM.
As per the above.

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Last night I ran memtest and found it was indeed a problem with one of my RAM sticks. Apparently two for one deals aren't that great when one is bugged up. You were spot on! I'm running on just 8 right now til I can get a second one that works
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    Mechanised Mod

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While not ideal you have at least identified the problem and thanks for letting us know  :thumbsup:


You will hopefully have no problem returning/replacing the stick that is bad.

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