So I am coming to this forum for help. I am not too smart with a computer, and am searching for help on a...Might I say...Odd topic.
Here it is.
I have been having a specific someone harassing my boyfriend and I on Facebook. Making fake profiles and just causing a lot of unwanted drama. Just recently my boyfriend sent me a picture of what is supposed to be "me" drunk and smoking weed (it is not me, as I don't do things like that). The picture has obviously been majorly cropped (to me, that raises flags..Why not show the complete picture? Probably because I have tattoos and certain features that could show it's not me...)..I told my boyfriend it wasn't me..Whatever, life went on. I was just informed today that I have been in porn, and there are pictures..Once again, the pictures are cropped. It is not me by ANY means, but the woman in the pictures does kind of look like me (I HAVE NEVER DONE PORN)...
Here's what I'm wanting to know...I have the pictures..How can I search online to find where these pictures came from? Is there a way to do a facial recognition search? They aren't great pictures...I mainly just want to find these pictures, videos, or whatever it is where they came from so I can make this idiot look stupid!! I'm tired of being harassed!