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- very strange and unpredictable PC behaviour

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This was previously posted here - http://www.geekstogo...r/#entry2559310
and I was directed here by emeraldnzl  who said:



Turning to your machine. I don't see malware as a cause. When I research reasons for those symptoms I find a range of possibilities including cables not connected, recent hardware changes, corrupt drivers, low power supply, bad video/graphics card or even corrupt bios.

These are issues that a technical person would be better placed to help you with. Go here and open a new topic. Explain your problem and hopefully someone there will have a solution.

I will keep this topic open for the mean time.



I am running windows 10, 32 bit on a desktop PC ... as it was upgraded by microsoft from my previous windows - basically I had no problems with it, got used to it by use.


Now, my screen frequently blanks, returns for a while, blanks again and returns for another few minutes,

Still playing up, though not so frequently, I re- downloaded windows 10, sadly lost a few things in the process, including all my paswords that were stored on
RoboForm :(  - maybe it's a corrupted file? Driver? Bios?

 Oh, my monitor sometimes just stops and re-starts with the following message:

 "Display driver stopped working and has now recovered
Display driver AMD driver stopped and has successfully recovered"

  and then ends up just streaming vertical multicoloured flickering lines - then that's how it remains until the PC is 'turned off' and restarted -
restarting alone only returns the streaming vertical multicoloured flickering lines - My up-to-date-Norton did not find a problem, nor yet did Housecall
or the Windows fixit thingy .... I am totally frustrated with this, as you can imagine, especially when I am on 'Facebook'

I would be so pleased if one of you guys could help solve this problem for me - or guide me to someone who could,  it's so perplexing .... I barely can stay online for longer than 10 minutes or less.: without the action starting ....


Thank you so much for your time,



(P.S. I'm an old age pensioner (80yrs+) and use facebook and email to stay in contact with family and friends, most of them are overseas, so this is very important to me) Sadly I cannot afford a technical expert so am truly hoping you can help.

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When the computer starts up, it's generally okay for a while .... I log in, and then open IE and it works okay for a while (minute or two) then the monitor will lose the signal and the message comes up .... it may do this 3 or 4 times before it either settles for a few minutes, when I can then use the computer - or it will start the coloured vertical stripes straight away .... and from that the only thing I can do is switch it off .... and then start up again .... I haven't booted to Bios ..... I don't know how to do that .... sorry



Have you tried different monitor? .... No, I don't have another monitor

Have make sure video cable is working correctly? .... I have checked the connections from monitor to computer ... it seems to be quite secure.

Have you monitor to see if any one components overheating? - I don't know how to do this, so I don't know.

Have you install latest AMD graphic card driver? ... don't know how to do this, sorry.

Have you install latest network card driver? .... don't know how to do this .... sorry



I apologize for my ignorance





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My Graphics
 VX2240w (1680x1050@59Hz)
 512MB ATI Radeon HD 3450 (MSI)



These are reccommends for windows 8 ... no mention of windows 10 :(


AMD Catalyst™ Driver for AMD Radeon™ HD 4000, HD 3000 and HD 2000 Series

After five years of active service, the ATI Radeon™ HD 4000, ATI Radeon™ HD 3000, and ATI Radeon™
HD 2000 Series products reached peak performance optimization on October 15, 2013, and were transitioned
to a legacy support lifecycle. No additional driver releases are planned for these products.
It is important that PC gamers migrate to a modern AMD Radeon™ graphics card. Customers migrating to a modern GPU
can benefit from exciting new features, improved performance, lower power consumption and broad compatibility with
the latest PC games.​

Applicable Products:

This article applies to the following configuration(s):


AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series
AMD Radeon HD 3000 Series
AMD Radeon HD 2000 Series
AMD Radeon HD Series AGP
 AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4000 Series
 AMD Mobility Radeon HD 3000 Series
 AMD Mobility Radeon HD 2000 Series



My understanding of this, is that there is no new/update driver ..... catastrophe ............ :(



With regards to connecting PC to TV .... the link is for a laptop to tv .... mine is a desktop ....

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Sorry, pc crashed again .... monitor stopped first, with message "Out of range" .................... then crashed.    I am now trying to printscreen for 'fantest' .... I will post it as soon as I've done it again .... if my pc doesn't crash again before I can complete it

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why won't it let me post an image from my desktop? ..... I am trying to post the fantest results .....

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    Mechanised Mod

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Excuse the interjection folks 


See if the info below helps any Ricky_22


To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would. 

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Thank you guys so much for your time and assistance, sadly I'm afraid that my computer has just sighed a last breath ...... I've had to switch to this other old computer, which took ages to upgrade to windows 10 (64 bit) - that's the reason for delay in my reply -



Very much obliged to you all,



Sincerely, Ricky

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