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File Transfer Using Eithernet Crossover Cable

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My old computer has Vista. It has Windows Easy Transfer. I want to use an Eithernet crossover cable to move selected files to my new PC using Windows 10. Is there a comparable program on 10 to receive the files? I have tried Ad Hoc Wi Fi and could not get the machines to recognize each other. I know Eithernet is rather archaic but I think it would be fast. Help!!

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Hello frustration 10, welcome to Geeks to Go! :D


Windows Easy Transfer is no longer available, and not compatible with Windows 10, but Microsoft has a free (limited time) offer for Laplink's PCMover Express: https://www.microsof...nsfer-your-data


It will move your files, user profiles and settings, but you'll have to reinstall any applications.

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If I might suggest an alternative to the Ethernet cable, *which has to be a Bridge cable) and can be hard to set up.

Consider a USB 2.0 Transfer cable, not a normal one as it comes with a  Chip in the centre of the cable.

One like this that comes with free* software, > http://plugable.com/...s/usb-easy-tran

Or like this, > http://www.staples.c...oduct_IM1PK6276 then use  Laplink's PCMover 

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