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Administrator permission?

- - - - - administrator permission?

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Windows 8.1  Why can't I copy or move files on my computer?  I can't access files either!  When I tried to copy a folder, it said, "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder"!!!  This is MY computer!  I'm the only user!  Why am I not seen as the admin?  How do I change this?  I'm being prevented from doing what I need to do on MY OWN computer!  If I weren't visually impaired, I'd've gone to Linux a long time ago!


Any help with this will be very much appreciated.  :)

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I have the same problem too.. I can't even delete the unwanted file as they need the administrator permission
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I have the same problem too.. I can't even delete the unwanted file as they need the administrator permission


Windows 8.1  Why can't I copy or move files on my computer?  I can't access files either!  When I tried to copy a folder, it said, "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder"!!!  This is MY computer!  I'm the only user!  Why am I not seen as the admin?  How do I change this?  I'm being prevented from doing what I need to do on MY OWN computer!  If I weren't visually impaired, I'd've gone to Linux a long time ago!


Any help with this will be very much appreciated.  :)



Right Click on your local Hard Drive that contain this Error, Choose Properties.








Click Start and let it Reboot.

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Windows 8.1  Why can't I copy or move files on my computer?  I can't access files either!  When I tried to copy a folder, it said, "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder"!!!  This is MY computer!  I'm the only user!  Why am I not seen as the admin?  How do I change this?  I'm being prevented from doing what I need to do on MY OWN computer!  If I weren't visually impaired, I'd've gone to Linux a long time ago!
Any help with this will be very much appreciated.  :)

Goggleplex-Googleplex, you have another thread about this case here on Geeks to Go, in case that you read this please post in the other thread not here.

I have the same problem too.. I can't even delete the unwanted file as they need the administrator permission

What is that "unwanted file"?
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