Was wondering just if there are any - shall we say, slightly more senior - people here? And if so, whether their experiences have been similar to mine?
I do not know very much about computer stuff really, though I have learned a bit as I have gone along (and quite a lot from this site, of course!). I love computers and have a great yearning to learn more about them. The thing is though, I do not know a single person who shares my interest. Most of the other women I meet from my age group say they can just about deal with answering an email and that's about it! It is so frustrating; I have nobody to talk to about computers and nobody to teach me things! Even my husband has no interest in these matters: he is a sports fanatic and would much rather be out playing golf or watching football!
Maybe I was just born at the wrong time! Or perhaps - as I love lots of modern music too - I have just never grown up (quite likely!)
The little U.K. town in which I live does not seem to have any computer clubs. I did find one in a village a few miles away and that sounded quite good, but unfortunately I do not drive (I have a disability which meant I never learned) and so I cannot get there. :-( Rather interestingly, I live fairly close to a very big town, but have not found anything there apart from either for youngsters, or for senior citizens wanting to learn the real basics. I am looking for something in-between these two extremes!
Anyway, I was just curious to know if anybody else out there feels the same. The other day, we were talking to a man of 86 who used to be an engineer and a toolmaker and whose mind is still incredibly alert, although his body is sadly not in such a good state. He mentioned in the course of the conversation with my husband (a lot of which went completely over my head ) that he has a friend who knows quite a bit about computers. I assumed he was talking about somebody of a similar age to him - and it got me thinking that there must be quite a few 'oldies' out there somewhere who also love computers!
Edited by Channeal, 16 July 2016 - 07:57 AM.