You are welcome and thanks for the update
If the issue returns, do the steps suggested in my reply #6 + what I have added below;
Please take expanded screenshots and only use the method below to attach them.
Download Speedfan and install it. Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows. The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.
If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.
(this is a screenshot from a vista machine)
Download then run HWMonitor and post a screenshot so that we have a comparison to the Speedfan results, details from here
To capture and post a screenshot;
Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area CTRL + on on it to your it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload on add reply like you normally would.
Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.