Hi Elyse, and welcome to our forums.

Its an interesting area, and probably in years to come the technology will be available to do this.
However at the moment although its possible with very small currents to achieve a minute amount of charging over tiny distances, its nowhere near good enough to charge a laptop battery over a reasonable distance.
Good luck though with your research, if you manage to design a workable method of sending electricity over distances then the world will be your oyster and Bill Gates will look like a poor man in comparison to your wealth!
The thought of no more copper wires connecting properties and factories to power stations, no more house wiring just send all the electricity needed wirelessly sure is an attractive proposition.
I don't expect the copper mines and the electricity wiremen and attendant employees, suppliers and contractor industries would be too pleased, but it might have a beneficial effect on the price of automobiles, aeroplanes and all the other stuff that currently uses copper.