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Not enough space in run time area, SMbios will not be available.

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Austin Slater Blossey

Austin Slater Blossey

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The message "Not enough space in runtime area, SMbios will not be available, press F1 to continue" appears everytime I try booting up, restarting, or even restarting during updates. It will never boot all the way up again unless I'm there to press F1 which is really frustrating due to how frequently computers get updates now. Once it is booted up, the computer runs flawlessly and is actually very speedy considering it is a gateway desktop from 2010. I can't find anything on the web about this that is current, so I was hoping for some help here! 

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:    Austin Slater Blossey,


it is a gateway desktop from 2010. 



Could be a chipset driver issue, can I ask a couple of questions;


Have you checked that you have the latest chipset drivers and version of BIOS.


What is the model name or number of the Gateway computer.


If you shut down the computer, leave it off and disconnected from the power for a few hours on first boot is the correct time and date shown in the BIOS.

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