I just thought there was a file saved (to the USB) after running the script you supplied, I have shown that below.
Fix result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 18-09-2016
Ran by SYSTEM (21-09-2016 08:22:39) Run:1
Running from g:\
Boot Mode: Recovery
fixlist content:
HKLM\...26dfa299cadb\InprocServer32: [Authentication UI Logon UI] <==== ATTENTION
S2 RapportMgmtService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\RapportMgmtService.exe [2383344 2016-07-11] (IBM Corp.)
S1 RapportCerberus_1609042; C:\ProgramData\Trusteer\Rapport\store\exts\RapportCerberus\baseline\RapportCerberus64_1609042.sys [1157960 2016-07-28] (IBM Corp.)
S1 RapportEI64; C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\RapportEI64.sys [544360 2016-07-11] (IBM Corp.)
S0 RapportHades64; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RapportHades64.sys [215560 2016-07-11] ()
S3 RapportIaso; c:\programdata\trusteer\rapport\store\exts\rapportms\baseline\rapportiaso64.sys [347624 2016-07-28] (IBM Corp.)
S0 RapportKE64; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HKLM\...26dfa299cadb\InprocServer32: [Authentication UI Logon UI] <==== ATTENTION
S1 RapportCerberus_1609042; C:\ProgramData\Trusteer\Rapport\store\exts\RapportCerberus\baseline\RapportCerberus64_1609042.sys [1157960 2016-07-28] (IBM Corp.)
S1 RapportEI64; C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\RapportEI64.sys [544360 2016-07-11] (IBM Corp.)
S0 RapportHades64; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RapportHades64.sys [215560 2016-07-11] ()
S3 RapportIaso; c:\programdata\trusteer\rapport\store\exts\rapportms\baseline\rapportiaso64.sys [347624 2016-07-28] (IBM Corp.)
S0 RapportKE64; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RapportKE64.sys [470056 2016-07-11] ()
S1 RapportPG64; C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\RapportPG64.sys [525992 2016-07-11] (IBM Corp.)
2016-09-15 09:29 - 2016-09-15 09:29 - 00483824 _____ (IBM Corp.) C:\Users\User\Downloads\RapportSetup(5).exe [470056 2016-07-11] ()
S1 RapportPG64; C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer\Rapport\bin\x64\RapportPG64.sys [525992 2016-07-11] (IBM Corp.)
2016-09-15 09:29 - 2016-09-15 09:29 - 00483824 _____ (IBM Corp.) C:\Users\User\Downloads\RapportSetup(5).exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer
CMD: bitsadmin /reset /allusers
CMD: netsh winsock reset catalog
CMD: ipconfig /flushdns
CloseProcesses: => Error: This directive works only outside recovery mode.
Error: Restore point can only be created in normal mode.
HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7986d495-ce42-4926-8afc-26dfa299cadb}\InprocServer32\\Default => value restored successfully
RapportMgmtService => service removed successfully
RapportCerberus_1609042 => service removed successfully
RapportEI64 => service removed successfully
RapportHades64 => service removed successfully
RapportIaso => service removed successfully
HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{7986d495-ce42-4926-8afc-26dfa299cadb}\InprocServer32\\Default => value restored successfully
RapportCerberus_1609042 => service not found.
RapportEI64 => service not found.
RapportHades64 => service not found.
RapportIaso => service not found.
RapportKE64 => service removed successfully
RapportPG64 => service removed successfully
"C:\Users\User\Downloads\RapportSetup(5).exe [470056 2016-07-11] ()" => not found.
RapportPG64 => service not found.
C:\Users\User\Downloads\RapportSetup(5).exe => moved successfully
C:\Program Files (x86)\Trusteer => moved successfully
========= bitsadmin /reset /allusers =========
'bitsadmin' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
========= End of CMD: =========
========= netsh winsock reset catalog =========
The system cannot find the file specified.
========= End of CMD: =========
========= ipconfig /flushdns =========
Windows IP Configuration
Could not flush the DNS Resolver Cache: Function failed during execution.
========= End of CMD: =========
RemoveProxy: => Error: The entry should be fixed outside recovery mode.
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts => moved successfully
Hosts restored successfully.
reboot: => Error: This directive works only outside recovery mode.
==== End of Fixlog 08:22:42 ====