I am using Win 10 for the first time and would like some advice on the best
way to surf the web safely, using preventative measures against spyware, malware, viruses, etc.
Thanks much!
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I am using Win 10 for the first time and would like some advice on the best
way to surf the web safely, using preventative measures against spyware, malware, viruses, etc.
Thanks much!
I use chrome with https everywhere and avaira browser safety and mvp hosts it seems a good set up and for any web pages I'm not sure of I scan with virus total first. Obviously you need a firewall and an ativirus to. The chrome set up works well in windows 10 ive been testing it
They suggest a few here:
HTTPS Everywhere for chrome
Avira browser saftey
MVP Hosts
Virus total ( for scanning suspect files and urls)
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