I have a few questions regarding to what degree my ISP can monitor my activity online... If you could help me with these naive questions, I'd really appreciate it.
1. Does each thread in a forum have a separate IP address? Can my ISP know/determine exactly which threads I read or do they see a single IP, that is the IP of the whole forum?
2. Similarly do all the videos on Youtube have a separate IP address? Can my ISP know/determine exactly which videos I watch?
3. Let's say I download a movie or a music album from a filehost -let's say turbobit- can my ISP know/determine what is the content of my download, or does it only see a few GBs of data being downloaded from a turbobit address and nothing else?
4. Similarly, let's say I download a movie by using a torrent program; can my ISP know/determine what is the content of my download, or does it only see a few GBs of data being downloaded and nothing else?
I know that copyright companies join torrent swarms to note peers' IP addresses. I would like to know if my ISP have other means to determine the content of my download than joining the swarm method.
You know, older movies and music albums are usually OK to download, while downloading new stuff can really get you in trouble in the country I live. So I would like to know the answers to the questions above, because what I want to download are really VERY OLD movies and music albums, but I don't want authorities to get suspicious of my mass downloads and mistake them for new stuff. So in fact I would be happy to find out that they can determine the content of my download and see I only download harmless old stuff.
Thanks in advance to any kind person who replies.