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System restore infinite loading

System restore windows 7

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Tiago Ramos

Tiago Ramos

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Hello guys.
I'm here seeking some help about something that happened to my pc yesterday. I had a lot of drivers out dated, so I used driver booster to update them. After updating all the drivers, I was unable to connect to internet (that yellow icon with a "!" appeared in front of the network icon). Due to previous problems I had, I can only access internet using LAN. Therefore, the first thing I've tried to do was a system restore. After hours of waiting, realized that it probably was stuck on an infinite loop so tried a startup repair. I left the computer on during the night and when I woke up it was still loading and stuck on "System Restore is initializing...". Finally, gave up on those solutions and started to make some research about what could probably be the error with the network drivers. I ran the troubleshooter and something like "Local area connection 2 doesn't have a valid ip configuration" seemed to be the problem. 
How can I solve this? 
Appreciate all the help, cheers.

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:    Tiago Ramos,


Try rolling back the network device driver in Device Manager, if no joy, shut down the computer, disconnect all sources of power to the computer from the wall sockets, disconnect the LAN connection, press the power on button to get rid of any residual charge in the system, leave the computer off for a while, reassemble, test and post back with an update for us.

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