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Hi I need opinions.

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How are you, so I got a desktop with an Intel Core i3 processor 530, and a simple graphic card that is Intel GMA HD graphics.


So, I need to know what do you think about this graphic card is it good or bad, and if it's bad I need to know why and if it's fine I need to know why.




I am sorry if I posted on the wrong place but I didn't a good place to post this.





Edited by MichaelBandit, 27 November 2016 - 04:40 AM.

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    WTT Tech Teacher

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To say if a graphic card is either good or bad, is not really possible unless we know what the intended use is for your computer and graphics card, what facilities, applications, games etc you will want to use it for, and the budget you have for buying a card.


If you provide us with full information on your machine, its PSU, motherboard, etc and the information in the first paragraph above it will help our members to help you.


In the meantime here is some information on the card that you might find helpful.






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You can find more on http://help4assignment.co.uk/ 


It says Oops page not found.

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That`s a good question actually. Thanks for asking. I use the same graphic card and so far had no problems with using it. By the way, just in case if you need a paper on this Cyber-Terrorism Essay: Terrorists Of Modern World or other topic, feel free to apply for help online.


Hi man so you telling me that this specs of my current computer is good, right?

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    Mechanised Mod

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That`s a good question actually. Thanks for asking. I use the same graphic card and so far had no problems with using it. By the way, just in case if you need a paper on this Cyber-Terrorism Essay: Terrorists Of Modern World or other topic, feel free to apply for help online.


Hi man so you telling me that this specs of my current computer is good, right?



Not at all Michael, the only relevant answer to your question was given by paws, the other posts are spam and therefore useless to you. 

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All spam posts deleted and the spammers banned
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    Mechanised Mod

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Thank you paws  :thumbsup:

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check out a few details about the performance http://www.bit-tech....s-performance/1

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I want to give an opinion, but first thing first, just want to know your daily usage of that desktop. Is that just for regular office work, some kind of light editing, or just casual gaming. If you ask about the graphic, it is not great for gaming, but you can use it for light gaming such 2D games, or 3D moderated graphics

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Its OK if you just want to look at emails, video, use for office type work and surf the net and maybe play very low end games.

But if you got the pc to play today's modern games or do video editing,  it isn't going to work and if it does it wont be an enjoyable experience.

The ram (Memory) is at the low end 2gb isn't much at all most have a minimum of 4g upto I think 128gb I think correct me if I am wrong and I doubt the graphics card (CPU) would play many modern games or stand up to video editing or any gpu intensive tasks.


I doubt it would cost much to upgrade the ram and gpu you can these days get it pretty cheap.

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