I can use the on screen keyboard, tried changing keyboards, no good
I'm thinking display adapters/drivers?? just an educated guess
except for black screen and no keyboard typing (makes a clicking sound only)
pc is usable,
Help???/ Please......
ok, 1 day later, solved both issues. but the black screen issue reoccurred next morning after solving?
issue 1; the black screen, some how this pc enabled "high contrast resolution" by itself? and repeated it again overnight?? I don't know if this is going to be a reoccurring issue??
easy fix once we understand, go to personalize > themes, then select a windows theme, or any I guess, done
Issue 2, keyboard not working, once I determined it wasn't necessarily the same issue as #1, I could google 'CAN'T TYPE WINDOWS 10" led me to turning off filter keys, YAY!! back to normal
but What the...?? why did this happen??/?
And here's the kicker, came into office this morning, My back up note book "BLACK SCREEN, CAN'T TYPE!!!!!"
Fortunately same exact fix. notebook was windows 8 btw????
again What the...? someone screwing with me?? I doubt it???
thx anyway!!
Edited by njlock, 09 December 2016 - 09:09 AM.