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custom computer WAS on windows 10

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So i bought a custom build computer off someone and it was working fine for 1 week. i restarted it for whatever reason and now windows 10 is gone and it's going straight to the boot menu and telling me i have to boot up windows 7, also when i do boot it up all this old stuff is on the computer from the guy i bought it from and none of my stuff is on there anymore.

System restore can't find any restarting points. help me please.
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here is my computer specs.
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   piinkxpriintz,


when i do boot it up all this old stuff is on the computer from the guy i bought it from and none of my stuff is on there anymore. 



First things first, is there any of your personal data on the HDD that you would like to try and recover, cant promise anything atm as we don`t know what has gone on, Windows doesn`t just uninstall itself and will normally rely on human intervention, be it a wrong mouse click or a click to confirm that a program has permission to proceed.


Edit to add;



Please avoid adding multiple posts while waiting for us to reply to your last post, edit your last post to include anything that you wish to add, this will ensure nothing gets overlooked which can sometimes happen if a thread has more than one page. 



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:welcome:   piinkxpriintz,

when i do boot it up all this old stuff is on the computer from the guy i bought it from and none of my stuff is on there anymore. 

First things first, is there any of your personal data on the HDD that you would like to try and recover, cant promise anything atm as we don`t know what has gone on, Windows doesn`t just uninstall itself and will normally rely on human intervention, be it a wrong mouse click or a click to confirm that a program has permission to procede.
no. it is fairly new to me and i don't have much on it. i just want it fixed lol

also~~~~ some drivers aren't working. the internet one isn't working. i am hard wired and it says i don't have internet connection.

Edited by piinkxpriintz, 10 December 2016 - 08:36 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Couple of questions before we continue;


Was the computer running Windows 10 when you received it.


Do you have a couple of spare USB thumb drives, one needs to be at least 4GB or more for downloading a Windows 10 ISO to, the other can be smaller as it is for MB drivers.


MB drivers page here for convenience.


NB: I have a concern for the product key that has been used on the computer, the seller of the computer may have re-used it etc.


Use Magical Jelly Bean keyfinder (free) to get the Microsoft product key details stored on the computer, write them down, keep them safe and share them with nobody.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you piinkxpriintz , do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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