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Christmas: boredom or fun?

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Are you somebody who loves Christmas and looks forward to it for weeks? Or do you just find it all pretty stressful and - dare I say it - even a bit boring?!

I myself used to love Christmas when my children were young. My parents always came round on Christmas day and we would watch lots of TV as that's what my mum liked to do. On Boxing day or thereabouts, we would get together with my husband's family and often played board games. I remember one particular occasion when a really big crowd of us all played a game called 'Balderdash'. Great fun!

Nowadays, our son and daughter-in-law come round to celebrate Christmas with us. If it was just me and my husband and daughter here, we would play games or watch TV, but my son and his wife don't watch TV and don't like to play games, so keeping everyone amused is quite a challenge! We watched a couple of movies last night - although even that can sometimes be a problem as it is hard to find something that all five of us will enjoy watching.

I know a guy in his 50s who is crazy about Christmas and looks forward to it all year. For me however, even though Christmas day does still have a bit of a magical feel to it (maybe it is to do with the memories of Christmases long gone), by Boxing Day it is usually starting to get a little bit boring and most times I am quite relieved when it is all over for another year!

I don't have any grandchildren and am not sure if I ever will (my daughter does not have a partner and my son is a million miles away from ever bring able to afford to support a family). I think though that if either of them did ever have children, having little ones around would really put the sparkle back into Christmas again. Unless that ever happens though, I think Christmas will remain a bit on the boring side! :)

I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not be the only person alive to find that the enchantment of Christmas fades with the passing years. What about you? Do you agree, or do you still love it?

Edited by Channeal, 26 December 2016 - 10:01 AM.

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Can't agree with you on this one!


Christmas is wonderful, a magical time when folks are nice to each other, Carols sung, candles lit. and peace and good will to all mankind (and womenkind!)


Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year to all

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That's a lovely view of Christmas, Paws - and I don't actually disagree with any part of what you have said. :)

I love the build-up to Christmas when people do seem to be nicer to each other (though we should all be nice to each other the whole year through!). I love the carols and the Christmas tree and decorations. I love eating turkey and all the trimmings.

It is just that period from after Christmas dinner is over that gets me, when it can get a bit boring.

What on earth can you do with yourself to stave off the boredom? :)

Edited by Channeal, 26 December 2016 - 10:36 AM.

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Mmmmmm..... Probably not boredom or fun for me.  It's more like cozy, warm, familiar and nostalgic.  My family is kind of scattered so, it's usually just me and my mom for the holidays.  I do love a tree and going out to look at light displays.  I love listening to Christmas music and sitting in front of the tree while it's all lit up and with a warm beverage in my had.  I engage a lot of nice memories from Christmases past and that is what I find cozy, warm, familiar and nostalgic.  They are pleasant memories.  My mom has some health problems and I enjoy treasuring every moment with her; especially during holidays.  So, I'm not sure I would consider it fun except for the part where she gets to open my gifts and I get to shop for others.  OK, so, the more I think about this as I type, I guess there is a fun element to Christmas for me still because I have a lot of fun thinking up gifts for others.  So, yeah, OK.  It is fun.  Cozy, warm, familiar and nostalgic were just the first things that came to mind, I guess. :geek:

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We usually have a couple of elderly residents in our locality, join us for Christmas lunch.


I pick them up in the car around 11.30 am for a Pre lunch sherry and watch the carols on the TV until the lunch is ready, then with paper hats, and silly presents, and good conversation we give full attention to the traditional meal with all the trimmings.


We try and make sure that all is cleared away, so we can all sit down together and watch Her Majesty the Queen on the TV deliver her Christmas address, and then it's more conversation, and maybe a mince pie or two and then I take them home again before it gets too dark.


Mrs paws and I have been doing this for years now, and its great for all concerned.


Once the car is safely back in the garage then I can enjoy a festive glass as well.


We follow up on Boxing day to make sure all is well with the elderly folks and keep in touch throughout the year.


So Chris, Nope!  No boredom at all.

Happy Christmas everyone!

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Christmas feelings should be felt throughout the year, not just when the shops start their sales or songs come on the radio. As for my family and I, although most family is in different states, for those of us that are in state, we gather throughout the month and like to talk about past memories of Christmas, we love to bake many holiday goodies and watch movies and listen to all the songs. It is those type of things we do to create those memories that will live on forever in our hearts and minds. We also remember the reason for the season and that is the birth of Jesus.


I do have a tradition that I have kept since I was eight, even while in the military, to watch A Christmas Carol every Christmas Eve....no matter what time it is...This is something I am trying to pass along to my children along with making some other traditions that they can start or continue when they leave the nest and start their own families.


We also go out and about and look at all the lights and decorations that people put in their yards during the season.  We know those that will be decorated for sure every year and always welcome the new comers to joining the yard decorations community.


The mystic feeling of Christmas we try to keep in our family and instill in our children...it is the one "magical memory" we don't forget and don't want our children to forget no matter how much technology advances or society tries to become politically correct.


I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year and be able to continue the Christmas Traditions you may have throughout the years to come.





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Wow! Who knew that there were so many lovely Christmassy people lurking here! I feel bad now for having even suggested that Christmas could sometimes be a bit boring! I am not really Mrs Scrooge, honestly! :)

I think part of my problem with Christmas is that I get so tired beforehand with all the cooking (I always make loads of mince pies and my traditional Christmas cheesecake which I have made for many years), cleaning and other preparations that by the time Christmas day comes I am already exhausted. (This year has been pretty terrible because I have also been really unwell, but that's another story). Also, our son - much as we love him - is notoriously hard to keep entertained.

Last night, we watched two movies which our son recommended but which he had already seen previously but was happy to see again. The first one was very funny (if somewhat crazy!), so we all had a good laugh. (There's nothing like a good laugh to make you feel better!). The second film (called The Prestige, in case you have seen it) was good, but a little bit hard to follow at times. I felt a bit exhausted by the end!

Son is going home today as they both have to work, so we can relax and maybe have a game of something. Am looking forward to just chilling out and relaxing!

Enjoy the rest of your Christmas everybody - and I wish you all a really happy new year in 2017.

Take care,

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Christmas is the best time of the year

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Of course fun and fun!

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