If I buy a wi-fi only tablet, can I use it at free wi-fi spots like Starbucks without having a data plan of my own? If so, is there any special set up of the tablet that is needed? Thank you,

Posted 16 January 2017 - 05:07 PM

Posted 16 January 2017 - 08:20 PM

Hi muraiken, and you're very welcome here to the GeeksToGo community!
It is true that a Wi-Fi only tablet will work at any open-for-public hotspot, like the ones available in Starbucks stores.
As for setup of a tablet. I don't know your level of tech savviness, but setting up a new Android or Apple tablet is a fairly easy thing even for not that techie people.
Posted 17 January 2017 - 06:55 PM

Additional question:
At free wi-fi spots like Starbucks, do streaming videos (like YouTube) run smoothly or does that depend on how many people are accessing wi-fi at the same time? Thanks.
Posted 17 January 2017 - 07:06 PM

Additional question:
At free wi-fi spots like Starbucks, do streaming videos (like YouTube) run smoothly or does that depend on how many people are accessing wi-fi at the same time? Thanks.
It does depend on each hotspot, some of them can handle a lot and others may be a bit slow. But YouTube at normal (not HD) setting should probably run fine at most of them.
Posted 24 January 2017 - 02:18 AM

I wouldn't do any private stuff using a public wifi hot spot either like banking or opening your private email because of the security issues do those at home. If you need a email for a public place I'd advise to make a new one that is just used at public places.
Posted 16 February 2017 - 04:07 PM

Yeah, the fact that you're planning to use it in hotspots means you need to be extra careful about what you're doing online. Definitely don't do any banking transactions or paypal, in fact I think you shouldn't do any of that at all on that device since you'll be using it on unsecured networks. Or you could employ VPN services. Check this out, https://securethough...t-vpns-privacy/
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