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On Boot says "keyboard Failure" but still starts and KB works

Keyboard Failure Boot

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Hi, I have an issue that just started about a week ago which had never happened before that. When I boot up my dell XPS 8700 I get a message that just says "Keyboard Failure" but after about 2 seconds it starts up and the keyboard then works fine and I can log in and have no issues after that. My keyboard is a logitech G910, and the only recent changes I have made were that I got the HTC vive recently and had to use both the hdmi slot (for the vive) and the dvi slot for my monitor. I have upgraded a lot of things in this computer such as installing an ssd, and 3 3tb HDD, new memory 32gb, and an Nvidia gtx 970. All of those upgrades happened a fairly long time ago and this issue has just started in the past week or so. I know a fair amount about computers but this is kind of got me lost. the keyboard is plugged in through a USB port in the back and as I have said I have not recently changed the port so not sure why this issue is all of a sudden happening especially when the keyboard works after getting through the startup and into the windows log in screen. any help or suggestions would be great, thank you for your time and consideration. 

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P.S. Full disclosure: I know this is not a big issue it is just annoying seeing the message on startup and I worry that it could be a sign of something worse to come.

Edited by Htimez2, 25 January 2017 - 03:42 PM.

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1) Same problem with a different keyboard on that computer?


2) Same problem on a different computer with that keyboard?


If the answer to both is "Yes", then I'd tend to believe there is a problem with the keyboard.

Edited by SpywareDr, 25 January 2017 - 04:58 PM.

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Like I said the keyboard works fine after 2 seconds and I am able to use it to log in to windows and oddly enough when I started the computer a few minutes ago it did not even happen, so I am not thinking it is the keyboard, but I will try another keyboard and see if I can reproduce the issue. Thanks for your reply I appreciate your help. 

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I did think it might be some odd driver issue since once in a while the logitech gaming software crashes, except even when that happens the keyboard still works. 

Edited by Htimez2, 25 January 2017 - 05:37 PM.

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Try reinstalling the keyboard driver maybe that has been corrupted some how and make sure it's the latest version.

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