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PC crashing randomly

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Specs: i5 4690k previously @ 4.4Ghz now back to stock while troubleshooting
16Gb Ripjaws
MSI GTX 1070
Corsair 450w
Samsung 1TB disk drive
Samsung 250GB solidstate drive
ASRock H79 Pro4

All drivers up to date.

OK, not exactly randomly.. A few months ago I bought the new Tomb Raider and played it for a few hours before forgetting about it. About a month ago I fired it up again and the PC kept crashing after 60s or so, completely powered off with no warning and restarted. Verified game cache via steam and same problem. I just uninstalled it. About a week later I got Beholder and the exact same thing happened. Last night I bought the new Resident Evil and played it for maybe 2 hours no problems, then this morning I was playing it again and decided I needed a break so alt-tabbed out and opened Hearthstone. I got a warning that I was running low on memory but when I checked there was still 8GB free so I just closed it. A few seconds later the PC crashed again. I had to go to work anyway so I left. Just came home and tried to play RE again and it's crashing. I brought my overclock back to stock and the same problem. Any results from Google I get are overheating but it isn't as I monitored the temps and they are all normal. I'm beginning to think it's the power supply? Although it's strange that both RE and TR worked and suddenly they didn't... any ideas?


It's now happening with Stellaris, which I've played over 30hours with no problem. Tabbed out to Google something and PC crashed. 


I've ran AIDA64 for 10hours with no issues.

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   FrothyHips,


There are various models of 450W Corsair PSU some better quality than others, they all have one thing in common though and that is being below the minimum requirements recommended by MSI for all versions of their GTX 1070, getting an appropriate PSU needs to be done asap as the present underpowered unit is effectively killing your hardware, this regardless of whether or not it is the cause of the present issue/s, you cannot effectively troubleshoot computer issues when knowing that any component is inadequate.


Post the exact model details for your PSU for us if you will.

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