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Keyboard and mouse not working in BIOS nor in Windows

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Ahmad Anwar Bangash

Ahmad Anwar Bangash

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Hello Everyone
I have this ZED laptop . I was changing some setup in BIOS and when I saved and exit. Laptop restarted and Keyboard and Mouse Both Of them were Not working. i tried to boot back into BIOS setup but I was not able to go to BIOS. I also tried external keyboard and mouse but it was still not Working. Please Help Me Friends. 😟
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   Ahmad Anwar Bangash,


Can you post the exact model details of the computer so we can do some research, better still if you can post a link to the specs.


Being that you have changed something in the BIOS we need to see how easy or difficult it is to remove the CMOS battery to forcibly reset the BIOS.

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Ahmad Anwar Bangash

Ahmad Anwar Bangash

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:welcome:   Ahmad Anwar Bangash,
Can you post the exact model details of the computer so we can do some research, better still if you can post a link to the specs.
Being that you have changed something in the BIOS we need to see how easy or difficult it is to remove the CMOS battery to forcibly reset the BIOS.


Here you can find all details you want to know about my laptop.....
Please Help
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    Mechanised Mod

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Support such as a user or service manual for the i-Life ZedAir from the manufacturer is none existent and this seriously restricts what we can safely suggest I`m afraid  :(


For the predicament that you have found yourself in (USB ports and touchpad have been disabled) to reset the BIOS the common procedure would be to remove the MBs CMOS battery to restore the factory default settings, we cannot suggest that you do this as there is not even a service hatch on the base of the computer which means that a partial dismantle of the computer would be required, not difficult for a trained tech but not recommended for the average user.


Only two things that I can think of to try that do not involve opening up the notebook.


Try leaving the computer on until the battery completely runs out of charge and shuts off, connect the charger, power up the computer while tapping the key that normally allows you to access the BIOS and see what happens.


On the off chance that this is a driver issue and if the computer still boots into Windows, restart the computer a few times and use the power button to shut it down to try and get into the Windows (RE) recovery environment, if yes, this will load the basic drivers required for your hardware, try both the computers touchpad and an external USB keyboard and mouse in the RE to see if they work.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you Ahmad Anwar Bangash, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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Oh same problem to me..zedair laptop....yesterday i try to boot with usb and change some bios setup and save and exit..now my keybord,tuch pad also notworking....try separate keybord and mouse but same results....i have disassemble the laptop....thar is no CIMOS battry..this laptop is intel Atom processor...and motherboard is same as a tablet...i can't find way to reset the bios...any one have a good idea....helps will appreciate

Edited by sajithlivera, 22 February 2017 - 12:19 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Oh same problem to me..zedair laptop....yesterday i try to boot with usb and change some bios setup and save and exit..now my keybord,tuch pad also notworking....try separate keybord and mouse but same results....i have disassemble the laptop....thar is no CIMOS battry..this laptop is intel Atom processor...and motherboard is same as a tablet...i can't find way to reset the bios...any one have a good idea....helps will appreciate




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