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Windows 10 installtion help....

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I was updating my os from windows 8 to 10

After the installation while first startup it shows getting ready for endless(i havr tried for 4hrs) and when we touch a key it stucks at getting ready and i reinstalled 4 times no change... I am installing through usb and i have unplugged the usb when it restarts

Acer E5 471
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   AGAMER,


I am installing through usb and i have unplugged the usb when it restarts



Can I ask from where you downloaded Windows 10 from.


Why are you removing the USB, please try leaving it in.


Do you have another working computer that you can check the Windows 10 ISO on.

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BRO after Finalising 

there will be a box saying that windows restarts in 10 seconds and count downs


when i referred the internet they said to remove usb at that Time.....So i followed it


I will try not plugging off

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    Mechanised Mod

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Can I ask from where you downloaded Windows 10 from.
Why are you removing the USB, please try leaving it in.
Do you have another working computer that you can check the Windows 10 ISO on.



What you describe is often the result of a bad ISO burn or installation so we could do with knowing the answers to the other two questions.

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I Was Doing This Method for months for my computer and there was no problem for me ...this problem happened when i was installing windows on my laptop..there were so many problems when i first tried to install windows 10 on my laptop  like drives were gpt,i fixed it and this problem i have no idea wht to do...... i use rufus for making bootable usb and downloaded windows 10 from microsoft official site

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    Mechanised Mod

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So the ISO that you are using has installed on another computer and installed without issue, if yes, the only thing that I can think of is that the ISO is not installing correctly on the notebook for one reason or another, have you tried disabling secure boot in the BIOS before trying the install, if not give it a try, steps below;


Will the computer still boot into Windows 8/8.1.


Do you still have the recovery partition on the notebook.


For computers that have UEFI as opposed to legacy BIOS, to be able to boot from your USB device you may need to disable secure boot and change UEFI to CSM Boot, not all computers and BIOS are the same, please refer to your user manual if you have one as the following steps are only one such example.


Restart the compute.


While the computer is re-starting,you will need to continually tap or hold down the particular key that will allow you to access the BIOS on your computer, we will use the F2 key as an example here;


After restarting the computer, when the screen goes black, press and hold down the F2 key, wait for the BIOS to load.


Select Security -> Secure Boot and then Disabled.

Select Advanced -> System Configuration and then Boot Mode.

Change UEFI Boot to CSM Boot.

Save the changes and Exit the BIOS, commonly F10.

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I Had Changed Uefi To Legacy boot mode CSM is Not Available 

and when i change uefi to legacy the secureboot mode option status will be dissappeard and we cant set enable or disable

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    Mechanised Mod

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Will the computer still boot into Windows 8/8.1.



Do you still have the recovery partition on the notebook.



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No it wont boot in win 8

Nope cause i formatted for installTion
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    Mechanised Mod

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See step 5 here for how to disable secure boot on an Acer notebook


You will need to set up a supervisor password, make sure that you write down the password and keep it somewhere safe.

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