Not sure where to post general discussion on Internet Forums.
Internet forums offer organized formats to classify topics, and posts; as well as providing important statistical information i.e., number of threads, number of posts, and number of reads (or views). Hence, Internet forums can provide valuable data on important trends; trends which may otherwise remain overlooked!
In order to glean important trends from Internet/social media, the use of algorithms to separate "the signal from the (overwhelming) noise" are a necessity (predictive analytics tries to glean important data.)
Yet, again, Internet forum statistics esp. statistic applied in well.............."novel ways" can also provide a basic approach towards gleaning important data!
In short, the use of both Internet forums, and predictive analytics can further boost our navigation of that vast sea of data!
Edited by JustMarc, 21 March 2017 - 01:11 PM.