Does anybody reading this know how to remove an API key? I have this online service where I am able to track my sons phone content (he is 14 and I'm worried he is getting in trouble) the website is called Here is my trouble, he has a developers license for Apple (& not sure if this has anything to do with it) but when I tried to log in with his iCloud credentials I got a notice saying "Unauthorized-Invalid API key" My question is does anybody know how to REMOVE the API key or get past it somehow? Also I do have access to his email account he uses for his Apple ID (thought it might be important) please someone if you can help I'm not technically challenged by any means so if anybody has any answers that would be great!! Or if anyone knows an easier was to access his DELETED SMS messages and recent calls???? I can get the device, I know the passcode, the apple ID & password, the gmail account associated with apple ID. I'm really worried about my son, please help!
Edited by chimomma, 28 March 2017 - 06:11 AM.