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A process is suddenly preventing my PC from shutting down (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 31 May 2017 - 06:37 AM

Thanks   Create a new system restore point.Run Autoruns as Admin.Disable only the following two entries, restart the computer and test. + "Hotkey.lnk" "HkeyTray" "CLEVO CO." "c:\prog... Go to the full post »

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I'm using a Sager NP8152-S laptop, running Windows 10.

I've had it for approximately 9 months.

since a few days ago, every time I want to shutdown the laptop or restart it, I get a message that there's a process still running that requires to force quit it, to continue to shutdown/restart the computer.

The message looks like this: 



When looking at my task manager I see a process with a similar icon (possibly related?)




I tried googling the issue but didn't find any helpful hits. Can anyone please help me troubleshoot this issue?  :rolleyes:




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mine will do the same thing when i don't shut down any open programs first. the forced shutdown is a concern but when i shut all programs down first, the machine shuts down very quickly.

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Hi guys, thanks for the replies  :yes:

Just to be clear — I don't really know what this program is. 

It is not a program I ever used or started. I definitely did not install it. In fact I can't find how access this program even if I want to.

I think it came installed with the laptop.

The thing is, I never had this issue until a few days ago.

Edited by adifrank, 30 May 2017 - 05:33 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello folks  :)


That is s Clevo/Sager tool that allows you to customise your keyboard shortcuts, as you don`t use or seem to want it see if you can remove it in the apps, see tutorial courtesy of Brink here

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Hi Phil,

As I said, I don't see the program anywhere or know how to access it.

I cannot find anything called "HotKey" or "HKey" in the list of applications, so even if I wanted to remove it,  I do not know how.


That being said, I would really rather not remove it, if I didn't have to. The fact that the program exists on my system doesn't bother me. But why is it suddenly causing this problem after 9 months of smooth sailing? I was hoping there was some way to just fix the issue rather than uninstall the software.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello adifrank,


It could have come from a recent update but can`t say for sure, if it is not in apps lets try something else;


Can you post an Autoruns log for us, see here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here

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Autoruns attached.


I couldn't find a "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option to click on
But under Options I marked "Hide Microsoft Entries" and Hide Windows Entries" like so (hope this is what you meant):



(Edit: Hmm I clicked the attachment button and attached the txt file, but don't see anything attached to my previous entry. Please let me know if to re-upload)

Edited by adifrank, 31 May 2017 - 03:29 AM.

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I couldn't find a "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option to click on



You found it, must change my canned txt accordingly  :thumbsup:


After Choose File did you then click on the Attach This File tab.

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Okay -- should be attached now : )

Attached Files

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Thanks  :thumbsup:


Create a new system restore point.

Run Autoruns as Admin.

Disable only the following two entries, restart the computer and test.


+ "Hotkey.lnk" "HkeyTray" "CLEVO CO." "c:\program files (x86)\hotkey\hkeytray.exe" "8/18/2016 5:13 PM" ""

+ "PowerBiosServer" "CLEVO Hotkey Service" "CLEVO CO." "c:\program files (x86)\hotkey\hotkeyservice.exe" "8/10/2016 4:37 AM" ""


Just so that you are aware, you should be ok but there is an outside chance that your shortcut keys may be affected. 

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Problem solved and no issues with shortcuts that I can tell (just tried a few).

Thanks Phil : )

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are welcome adifrank  :)


Glad we could help and thank you for the follow up  :thumbsup:

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