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I can’t send emails to AOL and Verizon accounts!

AOL Verizon blacklist bounce Apple Mail Delivery has failed SMTP transmission failure

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I have tried so many ways to solve this issue but I haven’t been able to do so. I am hoping that some kind and genius soul out there would have an answer for me. I would be forever grateful!

Every time I send an email from my me.com or gmail accounts through Apple Mail app to an AOL, and now Verizon (merged recently), email address, my email bounces back and I get this message:
Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed
 Recipient address: ——@verizon.net
 Reason: SMTP transmission failure has occurred
 Diagnostic code: smtp;521 5.2.1 :  (HVU:B2) https://postmaster.a...-codes#554hvub2
 Remote system: dns;mailin-01.mx.aol.com (TCP||52613||25) (mtaiw-aal07.mx.aol.com ESMTP Internet Inbound)

Original-envelope-id: [email protected]
Reporting-MTA: dns;st11p02im-asmtp001.me.com (tcp-daemon)
Arrival-date: Tue, 10 Jul 2017 03:40:28 +0000 (GMT)

This happens when I send an email from any device I have: iPhone, desktop, laptop, or iPad.
I must be on AOL’s blacklist though I never send spam email to anyone. I got VPN, changed IP addresses and this still happens. Anyone has any idea what to do? I can’t contact AOL to ask them to remove me form that list. I have so many friends with AOL or Verizon accounts and I can’t send them emails. It is so frustrating!
Thank you!

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From what I understand AOL is having issues.

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Thanks for the reply! I've had this issue for over 2 years! I hardly doubt that it's this issue.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: AOL, Verizon, blacklist, bounce, Apple Mail, Delivery has failed, SMTP transmission failure

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