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2 issues with relatively new laptop- several keys not working and head

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First issue:


Several keys on the keyboard aren't working unless I repeatedly smash them- tab, left shift, t,y, backspace, and ].  When I finally do get them to register, it gives me multiple entries.        (like ttt, yy). After some time smashing those keys every time I need them, they all start working normally for some time. For example, by the time i had typed the 5th or 6th line of this post, all the problem keys were working perfectly, even the ones I hadn't touched.  


The keyboard isn't dirty, there isn't anything stuck under the keys. For now, I've resorted to the on-screen-keyboard, which thankfully works. Checking online produces several forum posts about the same combination of keys so i really don't think its a hardware problem. This has been a problem for the last few months. The laptop is only 6 months old.  



Second issue: 


While using headphones, I hear distorted audio, like crackling or very low volume, which can be immediately fixed by unplugging the headphones and replugging them into the jack. Every new video which plays once again causes the audio to distort until i remove and reinsert the headphones. This happens both online and with movies on my hard drive.

This doesn't happen with my speaker system or the laptop speakers, only headphones. I have tried it with 2 different headphones and the result is the same. This has only been happeneing for the last couple of days.


I have tried updating my drivers, it says everything is already up to date.

Laptop details: Lenovo y700-15ISK, i5 6300HQ 2.3 ghz, 8gb ram, 64 bit windows 10 home 



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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   yyashreddyy,


After some time smashing those keys every time I need them, they all start working normally for some time.



Being only six months old the computer should still be covered by warranty, if yes, I would you return it to the place of purchase for repair or replacement, smashing keys is only going to damage something else if continued and possibly while you are troubleshooting this yourself thus voiding any warranty that you may have.

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