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windows 10 update cant install on tablet (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 28 September 2017 - 01:36 PM

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i have a new viglen win10 tablet, it says it has 16gb space but when i look in disc manager it says i only have 13gb, then new update for win 10 is 8gb and even if i reset the tablet to factory it still only gives me 5gb free space, does anyone know how to get my windows up to date, or make it androd.

thanks in advance 


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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   mrmonkeyshoes,


i have a new viglen win10 tablet, it says it has 16gb space but when i look in disc manager it says i only have 13gb,



Is that 13GB of available storage space or does that include the present installation of Windows 10.


then new update for win 10 is 8gb 



Can I ask where you read the above information, to download and install Windows 10 you only need a 5GB USB thumb drive so an 8GB Windows update seems rather on the large size.


In case you are not already aware, 32-bit Windows 10 requires 16GB of storage space and the 64-bit version requires 20GB so unless you have 64-bit Windows 10 you should be fine with the 16GB that you have.

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Thanks for the welcome,

I am not very good with computers so i have taken screen shots of what is happening hope this helps explain better

IMG_7366.JPG showing the 8gb needed 


IMG_7367.JPG space on tablet


The space left is after a factory reset


thanks again



Edited by mrmonkeyshoes, 26 September 2017 - 03:50 AM.

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Apologies for the delay getting back to you, work and more work I`m afraid  :(


From your screenshot it looks like it is the Creators Update that cannot be installed, this is effectively a new version of Windows 10 and Windows is telling you that your Viglens HDD is not large enough to accommodate it, is it the 32 or 64-bit version of Windows that you are running.


You can stop the Creators Update but still install security updates for the present version of Windows 10, see info here


You are welcome btw  :)

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Hi, its 32bit

I have looked at the info you gave, and turned it off and it is now installing the security updates,

thanks for all your help

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

You are welcome, glad we could help and thank you for the follow up  :)

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