I have a chronic issue with Firefox. Slowness when using Twitter, Gmail, YouTube, for a start.
Firefox support is non existent, and their community "experts" want me to chase my tail. Any search on their support pages about this type of problem finds nothing helpful, with the exception of changing my Script run time in about:config and this doesn't fix it. Refreshing Firefox or going thru my extensions one at a time finds nothing and I've been told an extension is my problem. Any thing I change provides a temporary (minutes) fix at best, and the only thing I've found to work, again temporary (minutes) is to shut Firefox down and restore previous session after CCleaner does it's magic.
1 Firefox.rtf 22.9KB
Scripts hang up or freeze with no fix found. Any trouble shooting I try finds nothing. All this seems to have started with Australis. However, even that is difficult to prove. The latest script failure gave me this info:
This looks like a Java issue. If so, Java and Firefox have a long and painful history on my PC.
Can anyone help with this? Thanx in advance for looking into this.