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Task Bar icons no longer work properly...

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When I left click on a Task Bar icon I get the pane on screen but when I move the cursor to that pane it immediately disappears as soon as the cursor leaves the Task Bar area.


If I right click on the Task Bar icon I get the menu to Close window etc, but moving the cursor to that menu item the menu disappears.


This has just started happening just before and after the latest Win 10 update which is version 1703 15063.674


Using the latest Chrome too.  Any ideas on how to fix this?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Plutox,


This has just started happening just before and after the latest Win 10 update which is version 1703 15063.674


Strange that it also happens after the Creators Update, this makes one think that it is third party software related.
Two suggestions to begin with;
Create a new system restore point then go into Task Manager > Processes > Select Windows Explorer then click on the Restart tab.
Try a clean boot by disabling all third party programs then enabling a couple at a time until you either find the culprit or all programs have been re enable. details for the clean boot here.

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Thank you for responding.


I don't remember installing any new 3rd party programs before this glitch started but I'll follow your advice and see what happens.

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I did the Explorer restart in the Task Manager which seemingly did a few things there. Still the glitch.


(Had to do the cntr-alt - delete way to get the Task Manager window to stay on top. Also when the cursor left that pane, the pane disappeared. So had to be careful!)


Your link to the clean boot says it's good up to 8.1 - still good for Win 10?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Aye still more or less the same but alternatively do the following so that we can see what is loading on Boot;


Download, run then post an Autoruns log for us if you will, see here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here

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    GeekU Junior

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Here are some good options to try


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Thanks dmccoy for that tip but it didn't address my problem - useful info though.


Have yet to get to phillpower2's advice - very busy but will do.

Edited by Plutox, 02 November 2017 - 06:02 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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No problem, when you are ready  :thumbsup:

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Sorry, I have not got around to this as yet as I have other problems to deal with on my laptop - I reset it and lost my Gmail account and had no recovery options to retrieve it amongst other things.


I'll look into your advice later and thanks for that.


I just tried the Autoruns but with the Taskbar glitch it is impossible to access the ensuing panes from the Taskbar to do anything with them!


I may have to resort to resetting this PC to see if that works but the ensuing work plus I shall lose my email account (can't find my password!)

Edited by Plutox, 06 November 2017 - 11:55 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Give Classic Shell a try, Ive used it with Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 and wouldn`t be without it now, free download here

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I tried the Classic Shell but it didn't help.


I think maybe a computer reset will work but I cannot do that as I have found out that it needs a Gmail login after and it doesn't like my password. When you do a reset it gives a few warnings but not the Gmail glitch.

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    GeekU Junior

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If you are ready to try a Reset then see the following. Not sure what you mean by the gmail stuff, but this doesn’t have anyth8ng to do with resetting Windows 10

Do not do any of the above unless you have backed up your user data first

Refreshing your Windows 10 you will lose your installed apps, but you will keep your personal files. To refresh your Windows 10 follow these steps:
1. On the login screen hold Shift on your keyboard and press Power option and choose Restart.
2. After your computer restarts choose Troubleshoot.
3. Now click Advanced.
4. Choose Reset this PC and choose Keep my files. Once again, we have to mention that your personal files will be saved, but installed apps and downloaded files will not.
5. You might have to insert Windows 10 DVD or bootable USB with Windows 10 to complete the process, so it wouldn’t hurt to have one just in case you need it.
6. After following the instructions the refreshing process will start. This might take a while so be patient. Once the process is finished you’ll be able to access Windows 10 again.
Remember to use refreshing as the final solution if nothing else works and you still can’t log in to Windows 10.
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Thanks dmccoy for that. You said. 'Not sure what you mean by the gmail stuff, but this doesn’t have anyth8ng to do with resetting Windows 10'


Yes I would certainly have thought so but after the reset I had to log in again to Gmail when before I didn't need to.  Now 'Refresh' and 'Reset' are the same thing, right?, as your 'steps' above were done on the laptop.

Edited by Plutox, 09 November 2017 - 05:28 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Now 'Refresh' and 'Reset' are the same thing, right?, 



No, a refresh as said by dmccoy will only remove certain apps whereas a reset will reinstall only Windows and wipe everything else, you should also be aware that a reset may not work and give you a message saying that no changes have been made leaving you back at square one, see if my canned AIO (all good with Windows 10 btw) info below helps any;


Download then run the Windows All in One Repair (free)  from here, disregard the malware guidance but follow the other steps to the letter and in particular ensuring that you first create a new restore point and perform a proper Windows clean boot before running the repair, details for the clean boot here.


Any repair logs should be found in C:\ Program Files\Tweaking.com\Windows Repair (All in One)\Logs

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Thanks for that -but ill not refresh or reset my PC until I have recovered my Gmail password. Unfortunately I get no response from Google sending areset code to my recovery email address. I'm working on that daily.


The reset n my laptop said it would delete apps but it didn't delete all of them.It did give a file names of all deleted which is handy. I then reinstalledmany from the .exe files in my Downloads folder. 


The rest also reinstalled Win 10. (The joined words are due to a text glitch)


The All in One Repair info I keep in mind if I can use it. I haven't known of that so thanks.

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