Title fairly much explains it really.
Windows 10
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Title fairly much explains it really.
Windows 10
I've got 'Power and Sleep' (no Power Management) set to 'When plugged in, turn off after - Never'. I assume that's what you mean.
I did a system restore but it didn't complete successfully because it could access a file. Is MalwareBytes Premium preventing it? The computer will now shut down but when logging in I have to enter my password twice.
I have had success with using the following for the Password twice issues:
Try this option first:
1. From Command Prompt
2. Type netplwiz
3. Uncheck "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" from the dialog box
4. Restart and check
If this works and you want to re-enable password protection then follow the steps again but Check "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer"
1. Enter password
2. Restart and check
Option 2:
2. Copy the command line below to the pop-up box:
if exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\InputMethod\CHS\ChsIME.exe" ( TAKEOWN /F "%SystemRoot%\System32\InputMethod\CHS\ChsIME.exe" icacls "%SystemRoot%\System32\InputMethod\CHS\ChsIME.exe" /deny "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:RX")3. Hit the key Enter.
Edited by dmccoy, 16 November 2017 - 12:57 PM.
No. The Windows 10 Fall Creators update has many bugs that Microsoft is in the process of fixing.Is MalwareBytes Premium preventing it?
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