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crash led to refresh which led to sound issues with windows 10

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So a few months ago my windows 10 sony vaio(SVE14A35CXH) pc crashed randomly. I refreshed the pc due to not being able to access the settings section without having to find workarounds. After the refresh I started having sound issues. Sound plays but now its not audible till around 30-50% and its whisper quite, at 100% its like a whisper. Have had multiple answer techs from microsoft connect through remote connections, just dealt with their tier 2 and have yet to receive a call back after refreshing my system again. Have contacted realtek about this but to no avail. Not sure what to do anymore, I did find a topic online a few months back about someone going into the registry and altering the #s to adjust the sound with a similar issue(forgot to bookmark the link(now I forgot what I was typing into the search bar)).

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello sdmayhem,


You have not mentioned what if anything had been tried so we can only ask a couple of questions atm.


Have you tried plugging in headphones, if yes, was there still a problem with the volume level.


Is the problem the same when playing media disks and online content etc.

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Hello sdmayhem,


You have not mentioned what if anything had been tried so we can only ask a couple of questions atm.


Have you tried plugging in headphones, if yes, was there still a problem with the volume level.


Is the problem the same when playing media disks and online content etc.



Not going to plug in headphones but thank you aside from that I don't really use media disks since the drive isn't labeled for blu rays also I usually only use hulu(occasional youtube, but I don't back plagiarists so I avoid the site) and d2 lod but with d2 lod it seems to be as loud as it used to be but with all other sounds its like whisper quiet. D2 lod was like this at first then it just randomly changed(actually in game sound can't be edited like before now its just loud or quiet or just way to loud).


I have dealt with a few refreshes and now a reinstall or more since and a system restore to the only available save state.

Edited by sdmayhem, 18 November 2017 - 10:47 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not going to plug in headphones 



Can I ask why not, the reason behind the suggestion was to see if the issue is hardware or software related, if you get perfectly good sound through headphones it would mean that your sound chip and drivers are ok and that the problem lays elsewhere.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you sdmayhem, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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Not going to plug in headphones

Can I ask why not, the reason behind the suggestion was to see if the issue is hardware or software related, if you get perfectly good sound through headphones it would mean that your sound chip and drivers are ok and that the problem lays elsewhere.
I dont use headphones and I know its not a hardware issue. otherwise it would have broken awhile ago.
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    GeekU Admin

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It appears that you are the one that is not mature enough for the forums. That is an unacceptable and unnecessary response to one of our hardest-working volunteers. If you don't like an answer it is not necessary to resort to crude name-calling and unfounded accusations. Consider this a warning.
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It appears that you are the one that is not mature enough for the forums. That is an unacceptable and unnecessary response to one of our hardest-working volunteers. If you don't like an answer it is not necessary to resort to crude name-calling and unfounded accusations. Consider this a warning.

Denied. lol. regardless you posting anything other than this is a warning is technically a violation of the TOS/EULA lol not to mention harrassment and a felony offense so hmmm I win again since yes USA Federal laws over-ride all internet contracts but good luck since even claiming you are from a lesser country still means my laws win regardless. Technically was going to ask for this post to be removed but it works.
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    GeekU Admin

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As an admin, I can state quite comfortably that you are the one that violated our TOU, to wit:


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It certainly isn't harassment to ask you to mind your manners and the rules that you agreed to when you joined this forum. To call it a felony is laughable, as the definition of a felony is "a crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death."


This site is owned and operated in the US, so I'm not sure the meaning of your last sentence, but feel free to report me to the authorities so they can come take me away for my felonious behavior. 


Since it appears you don't need any more help, at least not of the computer variety, this topic is closed. 

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