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I want some help regarding website Hosting

Hosting Website ssh cPanel

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Kuntus minis

Kuntus minis

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How are you?


I recommend a good guy who likes or knows webhosting and vps ,Linux, little hacking knowledge 



So basicly my question is 

Who knows ssh


Yes I know ssh is for connecting to a Linux server

so you can type commands more....

So I Know


A few days ago I bought shared hosting

Nowerdays some hosting offer ssh even when you have shared hosting


you don't need vps for ssh


But the problem is there is no root access


But anyways

Can we somehow get some virus that will destroy the server though I have ssh but no full root access

I hope you understood my question



Kuntus Monis


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Long abandoned thread closed to prevent any further spam posts.


Thanks for the report Doc  :thumbsup:

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