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Help getting my laptop to use Filemaker Pro 15

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So at work we use Filemaker Pro 15 on our office computers which are Macs. Ive already got FMP on my laptop & did all the licensing stuff ect. Well I tested it out while I was at work & FMP worked great! Then I took my laptop home & tried using FMP & got a error pop up.(I am attaching a screenshot of the popup).

   So then I asked my FMP friend how to fix it & he replies with this...


 "you have to open up your firewall, whoever is your person in charge of your firewall, needs to open up port 5003 and forward it to your server.  Once done, you will need your firewall (wan) ipaddress, you will than use that address to access the file when you are outside your network, such as when you are at home.

You won't be able to connect until these things are done. "
Can someone please help me with this? I have no idea how to do this!
Please & thank you!

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  • Capture.PNG

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To do what your friend suggest you need to have total control of the network at your work and also a connection at your home with a fixed IP address something that isn't very usual.


It seems you are trying to access resources (file/db) that are only available inside the network at your work, for situations like that the most common solutions is to use a VPN because "it puts the computer that is connecting using the VPN like if it is inside the company network".


You need to check with someone at your work if they have setup some device/server to accept VPN connections and ask them for permission, instructions and credentials to connect to the VPN server. After connecting to the VPN it should be possible to access the server containing the file/DB you need if they allow full access to the internal network.




Edit: There are free VPN services advertised mainly for security that isn't something that will work for your case because you need to access a specific network.

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You need to check with someone at your work if they have setup some device/server to accept VPN connections and ask them for permission, instructions and credentials to connect to the VPN server. After connecting to the VPN it should be possible to access the server containing the file/DB you need if they allow full access to the internal network.





So I am the most computer literate one in our office. Its just me & good ol Grumpy Grandpa who is almost 80yrs old!


Anyway, I was snooping around on the FMP server computer & ran into Avast Secureline VPN. An old employee was shady & stole our customers info so he must have been the one to put that VPN thing on the computer so he could access our database w/out us knowing.


is this the VPN you were talking about?

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Avast Secureline VPN was probably installed with Avast Antivirus. No this type of VPN access is only to secure connect to the internet.


Do you have any MAC Server or Windows Server running inside the company network?

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