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Windows 10 keeps restarting/rebooting (Resolved).

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Best Answer spidergirl79 , 18 January 2018 - 03:31 PM

I got rid of the AVAST! Thanks for your help on that.   Domestic circuit. So something in my house? Oh no.. And come to think of it, the other PC in our house does not wake up from s... Go to the full post »

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AHhh sorry about that whole quote thing! It's okay, you can be a nag, you're offering this help for free!


Okay, about the AVAST thing, Its strange because I thought you saw that before and I removed it before but it's still there? I will try to get that out of there. I gotta work today so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to it (today)


A few things I'd like to mention; I figured out how to see in Event viewer the crashes ONLY so I could see when they started. It was actually Dec 2. There were 12 total critical events recorded. Although I can't recall the longest period between crashes it appears as though quite a few days could go by, or I might even get two on the same day. Then I checked to see when I did that big Windows update. (Under settings, security, updates, update history) Dec 2... do you think it's a coincidence?


Yesterday I noticed there was a system update  for my system that addressed several issues; Windows Update KB4057291  so I installed it.

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No worries, we understand that you have other things to attend to, likewise I may not be around much tomorrow.


Regarding Avast, sorry but I help an awful lot of people here and there and with the best will in the world I cannot remember everything I`m afraid  :(


Your crash dmp information and the behaviour in general points towards hardware, not to say that it couldn`t be both, a lot of AMD graphics users have recently been affected by an update foisted on them by Microsoft, remember what was advised in my reply #28 regarding driver updates, well Windows Update KB4057291 is an example of how folk can end up with problems, are you having such issues as what the update is meant to fix, do you see your video card on the list, neither but you have received the update in any event.


Multi-monitor display and display resolution are not working for some AMD legacy cards (for example, Radeon HD 2000, HD3000, and HD4000 series) that mistakenly receive driver
This update will install a driver to restore multi-monitor display and resolution control capabilities.



There is a multitude of documented problems with bad updates causing folk using AMD cards, take a look here
Best just sticking with seeing how changing the settings and the new PSU goes for now.

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I did try removing the Avast from page one, (one of this conversation). I was to do that in safe mode according to their instructions. I tried again just now but the blasted thing persists, according to speccy it's still there. >:/ 


No crashes to report. 


Random question. I use an HDMI cable to my monitor. Could that be causing the GPU to run hot?

Edited by spidergirl79, 04 January 2018 - 08:48 PM.

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Bit busy elsewhere today so may be offline until this evening or am tomorrow UK time, apologies for any inconvenience  :(


Will look at getting rid of Avast for you another way I get back.


No crashes = good.


A HDMI connection should not make any difference, it is the GPU doing the hard work and the cable only transferring a signal to your display.

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I got a kernal error last night but not the typical: The system firmware has changed the processor's memory type range registers (MTRRs) across a sleep state transition (S4). This can result in reduced resume performance. Event 147. I did some trouble shooting and it fixed two errors related to time/sleep. I don't know if it fixed that though.


I am planning to cleanly uninstall my AMD and reinstall as you mentioned on a previous page. Also you suggested restoring the MBs default settings in the BIOS again,  so I'll be doing that too.


ETA: Okay both are done.


I have a reoccuring error in my logs forever now; this is not new, but it's not 'critical'...


The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 

 and APPID 
 to the user DESKTOP-PCQ66JI\Margaret Johnson SID (S-1-5-21-3120337947-3030421738-730012630-1002) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Edited by spidergirl79, 06 January 2018 - 06:57 PM.

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Will wait on your next update for now as you seem to have things in hand  :thumbsup: 


I have a reoccuring error in my logs forever now; this is not new, but it's not 'critical'...
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 
 and APPID 
 to the user DESKTOP-PCQ66JI\Margaret Johnson SID (S-1-5-21-3120337947-3030421738-730012630-1002) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.



Involves modifying the registry to stop the error from being reported in the Event Viewer, the good thing is that it will not cause you any issues if you leave it alone, MS actually advise that the errors can be safely ignored.

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NO system failures since 01-03!  But then it could go up to 8 days without one (??) but I'm feeling optimistic! 

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Thanks for the update  :thumbsup:


Would give it another week or so and in the meanwhile watch any Windows updates like a hawk, anything that mentions updating AMD drivers beat it with a stick  :woot: (not literally though).

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NO reboots since all the changes we made. Do you think I should still get rid of that Avast updater thing?

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Suggested giving it a week or so but if you are happy that the issue is resolved then its fine by me.


Download and run Autoruns and post the log for us, download from here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the Options tab and then put a tick against the top three options.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here

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Not heard back from you spidergirl79 , do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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Sorry! Thought you meant to wait a week before trying autorun. Didn't mean to abandon thread! No crashes to report.I'd still like to try and remove that (or prevent) Avast auto updater since the removal tool didn't get rid of it. After that I'm ready to call it resolved (the crash)


However I do have a strange question! Is it normal for my PC to wake up from sleep when I turn on some form of electronics: a desk fan, a heating system, the Tv.


Attached the autorun file.

Attached Files

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No problem, crossed wires  :)


To get rid of Avast SafeZone, run AutoRuns, find then delete the following and your done, see the  To Disable or Delete? info here 


+ "\SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1462383785" "" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\SZBrowser\launcher.exe" "" ""
Regarding the computer waking from sleep, are the items that are waking it up on the same electrical circuit as in all on the same floor, in the same room etc.

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Welll looks like im not going to be able to do any of that. Trying to turn on my PC this morning via the on button and its just unresponsive. No idea what is going on.
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Obvious I know but check that the PSUs rocker switch is in the On position and the same for any switches that there may be on any power strip or wall socket, check the wall socket that the PC is connected to by plugging in something else like a table lamp or desktop fan to make sure that it`s not a problem with the wall socket, that previous behaviour of the computer being woken by other devices sounds like an unstable electrical circuit.

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