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Can I find out what ram and what ssd I can upgrade to, for my chromebo

Upgrade chromebook hardware Parts model XE500C13

Best Answer phillpower2 , 17 January 2018 - 11:32 AM

No worries, was rather hoping that someone that had done the same upgrade would read your thread and be able to offer you an answer based on experience. Having had a look around it seems that... Go to the full post »

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Ralph’s ambitions

Ralph’s ambitions


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Hello, so I found a post ON a different website mentioning that the EMMC and the LPDDR3 is soldered onto the motherboard(my model # is XE500C13). ARE there upgrades available for my motherboard?
Yes, Im desiring bigger storage AS POSSIBLE as well as MAX RAM. Im very good at desoldering components, but Im still struggling the basics on how to find UPGRADABLE COMPONENTS for MY MOBO.

Please help, and thanks in advance

Edited by Ralph’s ambitions, 15 January 2018 - 12:11 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   Ralph’s ambitions,


Sorry to be bearer of bad news but Chromebooks are not user friendly when it comes to being upgraded, if your model is the one that has 4GB of RAM best additional storage option for you is to use an SD type card, some info for you here

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Ralph’s ambitions

Ralph’s ambitions


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Alright, thanks. I also forgot to mention something about a c-port drive or some kind of usb device. I cant remember to be honest because Ive been busy lately. That crouton stuff can be solved another time, again, I just want to upgrade it, but I already think its been solved.

Thanks though

Edited by Ralph’s ambitions, 15 January 2018 - 12:13 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Can you post the brand and model name or number of the Chromebook so that the specs can be checked.


All I really want is to install google chrome on crouton.



Someone that uses and has knowledge of both programs would be best placed to advise you so moved your thread to the more appropriate forum here, the hardware upgrades forum is for new builds and upgrading components such as video cards etc.

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Ralph’s ambitions

Ralph’s ambitions


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I know this is a hardware upgrade thread( I got carried away on my part, that I do apologize)
Here is my model # XE500C13
Hardware type: CELES D25-B4A-F8A-A9K
Cpu model name:Intel® Celeron® CPU N3050 @ 1.60GHz
ssd?:Extended CSD rev 1.7 (MMC 5.0)
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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

No worries, was rather hoping that someone that had done the same upgrade would read your thread and be able to offer you an answer based on experience.


Having had a look around it seems that any upgrade would be either to 64 or 128GB, see info here not sure that I would go to the time, trouble and expense for such minimal gain and would instead go for an external USB HDD instead.

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