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A much-needed, simplified email device

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Please move this post if this is not the right spot for this request.


Background: I have an elderly relative with mild Altzeimers who lives in a distant city and is largely housebound. She has no trouble using the telephone, to receive and make calls. She reads the daily newspaper (with little comprehension) and she uses her remote to watch TV. 


She has access to a laptop with Windows 10  that is connected to the internet (that visitors use). She could be taught to turn it ON and OFF but not much more. 


Challenge: It would be great if she could use the laptop to receive emails with photo attachments. Two thoughts:


1. Years ago, you could buy a very simple-to-use device that did email and nothing else. Is there anything like that out there today?


2. How could I add HW or software to the laptop to make it so simple that she could use it to receive email on the laptop --- if necessary with telephone coaching each time she used it?


I'd appreciate thoughts and suggestions.   ..... bkar



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My suggestion would be a digital photo frame. They aren't as popular these days, but you could sync them to a feed and have the photos update automatically. An Amazon Echo Show is probably the modern alternative. But I haven't used one to know how easy it is.


Sorry about your relative. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease that we can hopefully cure in our lifetime.

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admin: Thank you for your reply.


FWIW I thought I would report the conclusion I reached. After looking at a number of technical alternatives, each of which would have required some level of training,  I decided that none of them was better than simply making a hardcopy of a photo and mailing it to my friend by US Mail. This approach obviates the stress on the recipient of using another technical gadget. It takes little effort for me to get good copies of photos at CVS for 35 cents each.

And the recipient welcomes getting the physical letter.


I can see why the 1990s makers of stand-alone email devices were not able to succeed.


.... baatpark

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